we aim to:
Create two research centers, serve tens of thousands of veterans, generate over $50 million in veterans research, and reach millions of civilians by 2027
Veterans Health science
Community programs
A research portfolio of over $13 million in scientific research
25 scientific publications, robust research results, and innovative community programs
Create medical, social, educational and cultural resources for veterans, and to enhance their legacy of service and citizenship
Goldstein, L. A., Mehling, W. E., Metzler, T. J., Cohen, B. E., Barnes, D. E., Choucroun, G. K., Silver, A., Talbot, L. S., Maguen, S., Hlavin, J. A., Chesney, M. A., & Neylan, T. C. (2018) Veterans group exercise: A randomized pilot trial of an integrative exercise program for veterans with post-traumatic stress. Journal of Affective Disorders.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29145076Mehling WE, Chesney MA, Metzler TJ, et al. (2018) A 12-week integrative exercise program improves selfreported mindfulness and interoceptive awareness in war veterans with posttraumatic stress symptoms . J Clin Psychol. 2017;00:1–12.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29076530Breland, J. Y., Donalson, R., Nevedal, A., Dinh, J., & Maguen, S. (2016). Womens Veterans’ treatment preferences for disordered eating. Women’s Health Issues, 26(4), 429-436.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27264912Breland, J. Y., Donalson, R., Li, Y., Hebenstreit, C. L., Goldstein, L. A., & Maguen, S. (2017). Military sexual trauma is associated with eating disorders, while combat exposure is not. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Breland, J. Y., Donalson, R., Nevedal, A., Dinh, J., & Maguen, S. (2017). Military experience can influence Women's eating habits. Appetite, 111, 161-167.
Goldstein, L. A., Dinh, J., Donalson, R., Hebenstreit, C. L., & Maguen, S. (2017). Impact of military trauma exposures on posttraumatic stress and depression in female veterans. Psychiatry Research, 249, 281-285.
Maguen, S., Hebenstreit, C., Li, Y., Dinh, J., Donalson, R., Dalton, S., Rubin, E., & Maguen, S. (2018). Screen for Disordered Eating: Improving the accuracy of eating disorder screening in primary care. General Hospital Psychiatry, 50, 20-25.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28987918Yalch, M., Hebenstreit, C., & Maguen, S. (2018). Influence of Military Sexual Assault and Other Military Stressors on Substance Use Disorder and PTS Symptomology in Female Military Veterans. Addictive Behaviors.
“Improving Mind/Body Health and Functioning with Integrative Exercise”
App # : 1I01RX001939-01A2
Merit Award, April 2016
Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development
Principal Investigator: Thomas C Neylan, MD
“Sex Differences in Stress-Related Cardiometabolic Risk in PTSD”
Project # : PR192475
Award, Oct 2019
Department Of The Army
US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
Principal Investigator: Sabra S. Inslicth, PhD
“Individual Variation In Effects Of Traumatic Stress On Gray Matter Myelin”
Project # : 1R01MH115020-01A1
Award, Jan 2019
National Institute for Mental Health, Neural Basis Of Psychopathology, Addictions And Sleep Disorders Study Section
Principal Investigator: Thomas C Neylan, MD
“Eating Disorder Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Veteran Health Care”
System App # : I01 HX002563-01A1
Merit Award, 2018
Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Service Research and Development
Principal Investigators: Shira Maguen, PhD, Robin Masheb, PhD