Remembering loved ones who died while serving in the US Armed Forces.
1. Introduction by LeJon Butler, US Navy 1996-2000
2. Valerie Alice Cappelaere Delaney by Katie Miller, US Navy
3. James Wilkins and Hubert Duverney by William Greason, USMC (read by Gerard Choucroun, Heart and Armor)
4. Evan Mooldyk by Quinn Mooldyk
5. Poem: The Young Dead Soldiers Do Not Speak, by Archibald MacLeish, 1940 (read by Amanda Egloff Quintero, US Navy)
Air Force Technical Sergeant Samantha Erickson reflects on her service and the divide between civilian perception and reality of military service. She also offers advice to fellow veterans on successful reintegration into civilian life.
SSgt Byron Lam, USMC 1993-2009, discusses his military journey- seeking political asylum in the US as a teenager, becoming a Marine, and entering the civilian world after 16 years active duty.
CPL Matthew Smith, US Marine Corps 2003-2007 (Ret.) discusses his reaction to 9/11, the mindset he brought to fighting in the Second Battle of Fallujah, and his journey from despair to graduate school.